Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The VP debate drinking game

I'm watching the vice presidential debate right now (I'll go back to the ballgame as soon as the debate is over). I've got a bottle of Saranac Octoberfest Lager in front of me, and I've decided to take a drink everytime someone mentions "Haliburton." I'm up to seven so far.

Personally, I think Cheney is doing great. He's cool under pressure, very matter of fact and to-the-point with his responses. Edwards seems more emotional, high strung and is doing all the smirking and eye rolling that Bush was criticized for.

This is much more interesting than the presidential debate last Thursday. I almost wish these were the two guys running.

You know, I like Dick Cheney, even if he does look a little like old man Potter from "It's a Wonderful Life."


Anonymous said...

I have my water and my pretzels as I too, am watching the debate. Edwards can't follow a simple direction...do not use Kerry's name in your answer. Not once but twice he said his name. Obviously, he isn't thinking before speaking.

This is the first year that I am really into these debates. I can't wait for Friday's knowing that my hubby helped put it together for MSNBC. Go Brian!

*Randi* http://www.livejournal.com/users/chickfit/

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