Friday, October 15, 2004

Backing Bush

My wife never ceases to surprise me.

All along, it’s been common knowledge I would probably vote for George W. Bush. Sure, there are some things about him I don’t care for, but it’s not enough to make want to vote for John Kerry.

Kris on the other hand, has been undecided, but clearly leaning toward Kerry. She has some friends who are diehard Democrats and have been pumping Kerry up to her. Just a week or two ago she told me that she thought she would vote for Kerry, and I told her, “Well I guess our votes will just have to cancel each other out.”

I watched the first two presidential debates and the vice presidential debate. Kris did not watch all of those debates, but caught bits and pieces of each one. Every time there would be responses that I thought Bush (or Dick Cheney) just nailed, while Kris thought the total opposite, leaving me to wonder if we were watching the same debate.

As I said before, I did not watch the debate Wednesday night. There were much more important things going on, like the Yankees demonstrating once again to Pedro Martinez who his daddy is. I never thought that Kris would watch the debate either. She usually gets bored by those sorts of things very quickly.

But to my surprise, she announced to me last night that she did watch the debate – and that she was going to vote for Bush! This caught me by complete surprise. What changed her mind?

Kris still isn’t wild about Bush. He did make a few points in the debate that she liked, but what really convinced her was that she came away from the debate believing Kerry was a phony who would say whatever he thought people most wanted to hear (and I agree completely!). Kris figured given the choice between four more years of the same, such as it is in her opinion, or rolling the dice on Kerry, she would rather stick with Bush.

So I’m proud that we’re both backing the same candidate. Now if only, in heavily Democratic New York State, our votes could actually count.


Roon said...

Interesting analogies. Does that make Rumsfeld Count Dooku?

Roon said...

I'm afraid I must disagree. Clearly C3-PO could be no one else but Al Gore!

Ewan was great in "Episode II." Obi-Wan is the man! Too bad so much of the rest of "AOTC" stunk. I still have high hopes for "Revenge of the Sith."

Man, I'm such a geek.

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