It looks a little bit like a comic book cover, but it's cool nonetheless...

Do you realize that as of Wednesday afternoon, every baseball team that has gone up 3-0 in a best-of-seven playoff series since 2000 has gone on to lose that series?
Just a thought.
Patrick just IMed me. His doctors are going to let him go home tonight!
Today is his 16th birthday.
Apparently, his counts really jumped in the last two days.
Coincidentally (or not) I e-mailed my mother’s cousin -- Father Bill, who lives in Brazil -- two days ago to let him know what was going on. As Patrick and I were IMing, Fr. Bill e-mailed me to let me know he was thinking of Patrick on his birthday, and that they prayed for Patrick at his prayer session this morning and at Mass yesterday.
Just try to tell me prayers don’t help!
A Red Sox fan here at work just brought in a Boston Cream Pie “so the Yankee fans could eat there hearts out.” Next to the pie he placed a sign that read “Who’s your daddy now?”
Mark this date down on your calendar folks – the day I turned down free food in the newsroom (and normally I love Boston Cream Pie)!
Meanwhile, I’ve only received three gloating e-mails from Aaron. He’s enjoying himself a little too much. He should be careful how much he dishes out – the Sox still have four more victories to go.
Some parting thoughts: For all of you "Reverse the Curse" people, remember that this doesn't change anything. You still need to win the World Series. Besides, if the Sox do win the World Series, their fans won't know what to do with themselves -- their whole image for the last 86 years is built around being losers. And finally, enjoy your victory while you can, Boston. You still have a long way to go catch up to Yankees' 26 championships and 39 penants.
I guess I found some words after all.
A lot went on over the weekend. There was a lot that I ordinarily would’ve loved to blog about, but because I was so busy I never really had a chance to. Here are the highlights:
Fremd's constant pressure finally paid off when Brian Rooney scored on a rebound goal assisted by Fitton and Steve DeCarlo for a 2-1 lead with 5:20 left in the second period.
Rivera has stood at the center of the Yankees' success since 1996. The Yankees are used to finding him there. But everyone understood that this was something above the call of duty.
"Mo and I take a golf cart to the bullpen in the bottom of the fifth in every game," backup catcher John Flaherty said. "When I came in, I didn't even know he was here yet. He was dressed and ready to go, I gave him a hug and he said, 'Let's go, buddy.' He was ready to go.
"He looked like he was tired, but it sounded like he was ready to go. He told us he was happy to be back, that he took care of what he needed to take care of. Nobody would ever question this guy's focus.
"It was very special. It tells you a lot about him to know what he's gone through the last couple of days and then do what he did."
Said Alex Rodriguez: "To see what he did tonight, to be a leader for his family, to be a leader for this family here, it's pretty awesome."
Last time I drank every time someone said “Halliburton” (which was only seven times). For the first debate, I took a swig every time Bush said “duty.” What’s tonight’s phrase that pays? Grab your beers kids and take a gulp whenever the president uses the words “hard work.”
There, ladies and gentlemen, is the last nail in the coffin of broadcast as the central medium in America. And the FCC hammered it in.
We’re off to visit Kris’ parents this weekend. Actually, Kris and the kids (and Chester) should be there already. I’ll be taking off as soon as I leave work.
Despite all my complaining about how busy we were over the summer and how nice it was to have some time with no plans, it’s kind of nice to be getting away.
Have a good weekend all.
Chris, I'm with you! And thanks for saying this. ANY time I hear people grousing about something like this, I feel it's just wasted effort. Negativity - whining - rarely helps solves what people...
The So-Called War on Christmas: Actions Speak Louder Than Words · 11 years ago
Hilarious. Love this.
Awesome post. Really puts thing into perspective. Unfortunately, the Media perceive the numbers to be reversed...
Here's another neat infographic along a similar theme:
As a devoted iPhone fan, I'd add a line to the comic above: "Well, we can wait until it's available on the App store, then buy it." "By the way, have you seen my new iPhone case? It's supposed to...
And with an Irish flag waving right next to it!