Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The home stretch

Guess what we did last weekend?  Nothing!  Guess what have planned for this weekend? Nothing again!

We’ve had a very busy summer.  We’ve had plans just about every other weekend.  Since Memorial Day we’ve gone to Kentucky, been on three camping trips and visited Kris’ family at her sister’s house in Syracuse.  We have one more trip planned – to go visit Kris’ friend Marlene and her family in Pennsylvania on Labor Day weekend.

Don’t get me wrong, we’ve had lots of fun.  It’s been a great summer, but I think I’m almost ready for it to be over.  We’re already focusing mostly on fall activities: Nolan’s first day of pre-school is around the corner and Kris is knee-deep in training for her marathon in October.

Summer 2004 was great, but it would be nice if the last few weeks remain quiet and relatively uneventful.


Anonymous said...

It's good to have no plans every once in a while. We've been going all summer ourselves, and it's nice to just sit back and relax every once in a while. I love getting out and seeing people, but sometimes you just need a break from it all.
Hope all is well with you guys!

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