Friday, December 30, 2005
Attack of the ankle-biters
Pack of angry Chihuahuas attack officer in Fremont
This story isn't really that funny or interesting. I just like the phrase "pack of angry Chihuahuas."
This story isn't really that funny or interesting. I just like the phrase "pack of angry Chihuahuas."
'Where did you get this number?'
Jack's Cell Phone: "1-888-9-24-JACK"
If you're a "24" fan, call this number...
If you're a "24" fan, call this number...
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Holiday week wrap-up
- I’m back at work today. I put off requesting my vacation time at the end of the year and as a result I had to take what I could get. I was off Monday, worked from home Tuesday and then was off Wednesday. Now I’m working today and again tomorrow, but I’ll have next Monday off.
We took the kids to a screening of “The Polar Express” at the Colonie Town Library last night. Nolan and I saw it last year, but it was the first time for Kris and Thomas. They both loved it.
- I got together with Aaron and his wife Chris last night and we went to visit our friends Marc and Lynn, who were in town staying with his parents. It was great to meet their baby daughter Mara.
Besides Thomas the Tank Engine and the Dukes of Hazzard, Star Wars was also big at our house this Christmas. I got episodes III-VI on DVD (well, technically, the original trilogy was a birthday present) and Nolan got a Star Wars coloring book and the very cool “LEGO Star Wars” video game for his new GameCube. The game is pretty simple for young gamers, but still loads of fun for grown ups too. Kris and I even spent an hour playing it after the kids went to bed one night.
I really enjoyed the special Doctor Who episode “The Christmas Invasion.” That had it all going on—humor, drama, action, suspense and some pretty decent FX. The dialogue was also very good, with about three episodes worth of memorable lines packed into one story. I also like the new Doctor, David Tennant. I thought Christopher Eccelston would be big shoes to fill, but after one episode Tennant has me hooked. Can’t wait for the new season to start in the spring.
Just before Christmas I finished reading “The Tender Bar.” That was a fantastic book! What was really cool was that after finishing it I went to the computer and googled the author. I quickly found a recent podcast made of a discussion he led about the book during an appearance at a Denver book store. I also found an e-mail address to write to him and tell him how much I liked his book. Gotta love the Internet!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
The Dukes of Albany

Actually, it was a 2005 Dodge Charger painted to look like the General. The real General Lee was a ’69 Charger.
The boys thought it was really cool.
I didn’t check to see if the doors would open. I’m sure they would have—and that would spoil the illusion!
I’m sure the boys also would have loved to climb through the open windows, but I’m not so sure the people at the dealership would have liked that.
Thanks to Noah for tipping us off that the car was there!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
'You'll shoot your eye out!'

Yeah, I know, it will be on for 24 hours on Christmas Day and I’ll probably wind up watching bits and pieces of it again. But I just can’t help it. If it’s on, I have to watch!
I first saw this movie in the theater in 1983 at Dan Markiewicz’s birthday party and have loved it ever since. But it’s funny how I see the movie in a new light now. Kris and I are watching it and find ourselves identifying much more with the parents now.
By the way, I read the book version of “A Christmas Story” last year. My sister had given it to me for my birthday. If you love the movie, then I highly recommend you pick up the book. It was originally titled “In God We Turst: All Others Pay Cash.” It’s a collection of short stories by Jean Sheperd that collectively make up the storylines in the movie.
A Christmas Carol

They were raising money for the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
It was nice to share some holiday cheer and help a good cause.
Paying last respects
I attended a wake last night for an old family friend—Sharon Brazell.
The Brazells were neighbors when I was young and they had two daughters my age. Brigid was in the same grade as me and Kelly was a year older. We started off going to St. Helen’s School together.
Eventually my parents moved me into public school, but I would still see the girls around the playground near our house. In time the Brazells moved out of the neighborhood, but our families would still see each other at various Christmas parties and backyard barbecues.
After a while our families drifted apart. Except for bumping into Brigid a couple of times in the first few years after college, I couldn’t tell you when the last time was that I saw any of the Brazells.
Nonetheless, I really felt I should go last night. It was a little strange seeing them. In my mind I always picture the Brazell girls as little kids. By the time we were teenagers they had moved and we were only seeing each other once or twice a year. So I never really got used to seeing them grown up.
And yet now here we are—full grown adults with our own families. I’m glad I was able to see them, albeit under such rotten circumstances. I enjoyed talking to these old childhood friends and felt bad for all of the years that have past without any contact with them.
I went to the wake by myself after work. My mom and my sister had already gone earlier. Afterward mom called me up and said she was proud of me for going. She said I was “good about going to wakes.”
The truth is I hate wakes. I don’t think I’ve ever been to one that I didn’t feel awkward and uncomfortable at (except, strangely enough, maybe my own father’s).
But I remember my father’s wake and how grateful I was for everyone who came. I remember all of the people from my life who showed up—friends old and new, my boss, a co-worker I hardly knew—and how much it meant to me. That’s why I suck it up and go to these things. It made me feel so good to see all of these people turn out for my father and I hope that I can make others feel good too.
The Brazells were neighbors when I was young and they had two daughters my age. Brigid was in the same grade as me and Kelly was a year older. We started off going to St. Helen’s School together.
Eventually my parents moved me into public school, but I would still see the girls around the playground near our house. In time the Brazells moved out of the neighborhood, but our families would still see each other at various Christmas parties and backyard barbecues.
After a while our families drifted apart. Except for bumping into Brigid a couple of times in the first few years after college, I couldn’t tell you when the last time was that I saw any of the Brazells.
Nonetheless, I really felt I should go last night. It was a little strange seeing them. In my mind I always picture the Brazell girls as little kids. By the time we were teenagers they had moved and we were only seeing each other once or twice a year. So I never really got used to seeing them grown up.
And yet now here we are—full grown adults with our own families. I’m glad I was able to see them, albeit under such rotten circumstances. I enjoyed talking to these old childhood friends and felt bad for all of the years that have past without any contact with them.
I went to the wake by myself after work. My mom and my sister had already gone earlier. Afterward mom called me up and said she was proud of me for going. She said I was “good about going to wakes.”
The truth is I hate wakes. I don’t think I’ve ever been to one that I didn’t feel awkward and uncomfortable at (except, strangely enough, maybe my own father’s).
But I remember my father’s wake and how grateful I was for everyone who came. I remember all of the people from my life who showed up—friends old and new, my boss, a co-worker I hardly knew—and how much it meant to me. That’s why I suck it up and go to these things. It made me feel so good to see all of these people turn out for my father and I hope that I can make others feel good too.
Grandma's revenge?
Those are caribous -- not Santa's reindeer -- hanging outside store
MORAVIA, N.Y. (AP) - Children in an upstate town can rest easy. Despite the rumors, those aren't Santa's reindeer hanging outside a local hardware store.
That rumor -- likely started by older kids -- made the rounds in the Finger Lakes town of Moravia after hardware store owner Phil Franklin and some friends returned from their annual hunting trip to Quebec, where they bagged ten caribous.
Before the carcasses are processed for meat, Franklin hangs his kills in front of his business in the neighboring town of Locke. That sparked rumors at the elementary school in Moravia that the carcasses were those of the reindeer who pull Santa's sleigh.
Franklin says for someone driving past his store, the animals can be mistaken for reindeer. So he understands how children could mistake them for Santa's herd -- especially if an older kid is telling them so.
One of his hunting partners says parents have been helping squelch the rumors by telling kids the animals are caribou from Canada and not Santa's reindeer.
(Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
MORAVIA, N.Y. (AP) - Children in an upstate town can rest easy. Despite the rumors, those aren't Santa's reindeer hanging outside a local hardware store.
That rumor -- likely started by older kids -- made the rounds in the Finger Lakes town of Moravia after hardware store owner Phil Franklin and some friends returned from their annual hunting trip to Quebec, where they bagged ten caribous.
Before the carcasses are processed for meat, Franklin hangs his kills in front of his business in the neighboring town of Locke. That sparked rumors at the elementary school in Moravia that the carcasses were those of the reindeer who pull Santa's sleigh.
Franklin says for someone driving past his store, the animals can be mistaken for reindeer. So he understands how children could mistake them for Santa's herd -- especially if an older kid is telling them so.
One of his hunting partners says parents have been helping squelch the rumors by telling kids the animals are caribou from Canada and not Santa's reindeer.
(Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
More on the Damon deal
I was going to put this in comments, in response to Aaron mentioning that his Yankee fan co-workers are upset about the Damon deal, but I decided to put it out here for all to see instead.
He said his co-workers hate this deal and are quieter than they were the day after the Yanks blew the 2004 ALCS (which Damon’s two-run homer and grand slam played a big part in). I find that very hard to believe. There is no hot stove move that could be more upsetting to a fan than seeing your team blow a four-game lead in a best of seven LCS.
I wouldn't say I hate the deal. I'm not surprised by it that much—it was clear Johnny and George were interested in each other a year ago. The key was getting the number of years he’d agree to down to the right number. Damon wanted seven years, and there is no way he’s worth that to anyone. Four years is a little more reasonable.
Also, the deal includes only a partial no-trade clause. We don’t know which teams are included, but it’s not an absolute no-trade. So it’s possible Damon could be traded if he has his problems.
And that’s possible. I’ve read a few quotes from Damon and I’m not thrilled with some of what I’ve heard. It sounds like he’s bringing a rather large ego with him to the Bronx. Quotes like this:
I wonder how that attitude will play in the clubhouse. But, like Aaron, I’m not worried. All it takes is a couple of bad outings and some run-ins with the New York media to bring about an attitude change (remember Randy Johnson’s encounter with a WCBS photographer?).
I think this is an exciting move that will make my favorite sport fun to watch come spring.
Okay, now that's more than enough for now about Johnny Damon. Comment all you like, but I'm ready to move on to other things today.
He said his co-workers hate this deal and are quieter than they were the day after the Yanks blew the 2004 ALCS (which Damon’s two-run homer and grand slam played a big part in). I find that very hard to believe. There is no hot stove move that could be more upsetting to a fan than seeing your team blow a four-game lead in a best of seven LCS.
I wouldn't say I hate the deal. I'm not surprised by it that much—it was clear Johnny and George were interested in each other a year ago. The key was getting the number of years he’d agree to down to the right number. Damon wanted seven years, and there is no way he’s worth that to anyone. Four years is a little more reasonable.
Also, the deal includes only a partial no-trade clause. We don’t know which teams are included, but it’s not an absolute no-trade. So it’s possible Damon could be traded if he has his problems.
And that’s possible. I’ve read a few quotes from Damon and I’m not thrilled with some of what I’ve heard. It sounds like he’s bringing a rather large ego with him to the Bronx. Quotes like this:
"They haven't had a championship since Chuck Knoblauch was there when they had a great leadoff hitter," Damon said. "I think the leadoff role has been under-appreciated. A good leadoff hitter is tough to find and I think New York just found the best leadoff hitter in the game."
I wonder how that attitude will play in the clubhouse. But, like Aaron, I’m not worried. All it takes is a couple of bad outings and some run-ins with the New York media to bring about an attitude change (remember Randy Johnson’s encounter with a WCBS photographer?).
I think this is an exciting move that will make my favorite sport fun to watch come spring.
Okay, now that's more than enough for now about Johnny Damon. Comment all you like, but I'm ready to move on to other things today.
Manny Christmas Page 2 : Happy Holidays
While we're on the subject of the Red Sox,'s Page 2 today features some Christmas cards from various figures in the world of sports, including this one from Manny Ramirez to John Henry...

Inside the card it says:
While we're on the subject of the Red Sox,'s Page 2 today features some Christmas cards from various figures in the world of sports, including this one from Manny Ramirez to John Henry...

Inside the card it says:
Merry Christmas, Mr. Henry!
I love ya? No I don't! Yes, I do! No, no I don't!
Love, Manny
No.25No. 24
For Sox, a little off the top - The Boston Globe
In response to Aaron's "no worries here" comment (and at the risk of setting off a firestorm of more comments) here are some choice excerpts from Dan Shaughnessy's column in this morning's Boston Globe, which echo similar sentiments from Erik Kuselias and Buster Olney on ESPN Radio...
And also...
And he saved the best part for last...
You may commence spinning...
In response to Aaron's "no worries here" comment (and at the risk of setting off a firestorm of more comments) here are some choice excerpts from Dan Shaughnessy's column in this morning's Boston Globe, which echo similar sentiments from Erik Kuselias and Buster Olney on ESPN Radio...
No way around this one. Johnny Damon is a Yankee and it looks like the Red Sox don't know what they are doing. Time for Ben Cherington and Jed Hoyer to say hello to Lou Gorman and Dan Duquette.
And also...
So now your Boston Red Sox have no center fielder, no shortstop, and no first baseman to go along with no Theo Epstein and no clue. It's fair to say this is becoming a winter of discontent in Red Sox Nation. Ben and Jed and Craig and Larry and Tom and John and Crosby, Stills & Nash can spin this anyway they want, but Sox fans can't escape the conclusion that there's chaos at the top. The Josh Beckett trade bought some goodwill and glad tidings, but losing Damon to the Yankees is a devastating blow to the foundation of the Nation.
And he saved the best part for last...
Bottom line: The Yankees just got better and more interesting, and the Red Sox just got worse and more boring. And a Nation is certain to wonder if this would have happened if Theo were still on the job.
You may commence spinning...
Heeere's Johnny!

Anybody know the name of a good barber in New York City? Johnny Damon will need one before he puts on his pinstripes!
The Yanks signed the former BoSox center fielder to a four-year deal worth $52 million.

He will likely be the starting center fielder and lead off hitter.
I guess I'll have to take down the chart hanging on the wall in my office that compare's Damon to a neanderthal. Maybe I'll wait to make sure he doesn't stink, then I'll get rid of it.
UPDATE: The signing of Damon puts a big question mark over the future of longtime Yankees center fielder Bernie Williams. ESPN's Buster Olney was on ESPN Radio this morning reporting that the Yankees will sign Bernie to a one-year $1.5 million deal to keep him around as a bench player.
Meanwhile, Sports Bash host Erik Kuselias, who was filling in on the Mike & Mike show, called the Damon move the biggest defection in the greatest sports rivalry since Babe Ruth (he wouldn't count Roger Clemens, who spent two years in Toronto before arriving in the Bronx).
He also called Damon's upcoming trim "the most famous haircut in sports history" (Kuselias is a devout Red Sox fan). I, of course, have been known in the past to refer to Damon as "Captain Hairdo."
You may now take up valuable bandwidth with your comments...
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Christmas cookies
After stating that I often disregard forwarded e-mails, um, well, here's another I got today from another co-worker...
Christmas Cookie Recipe
Take out a large bowl.
Check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality. Pour one level cup and drink.
Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again.
At this point it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still okay. Try another cup...just in case.
Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.
Pick the frigging fruit off floor.
Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver.
Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity.
Next, sift two cups of salt, or something.
Check the Jose Cuervo.
Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.
Add one table.
Add a spoon of sugar or somefink. Whatever you can find.
Greash the oven.
Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner.
Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher.
Christmas Cookie Recipe
- 1 cup of water
- 1 tsp. baking soda
- 1 cup of sugar
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 cup of brown sugar
- Lemon juice
- 4 large eggs
- 1 cup nuts
- 2 cups of dried fruit
- 1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequila
Take out a large bowl.
Check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality. Pour one level cup and drink.
Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again.
At this point it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still okay. Try another cup...just in case.
Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.
Pick the frigging fruit off floor.
Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver.
Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity.
Next, sift two cups of salt, or something.
Check the Jose Cuervo.
Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.
Add one table.
Add a spoon of sugar or somefink. Whatever you can find.
Greash the oven.
Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner.
Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher.
Calvin & the Snowmen, part 1
I usually disregard many forwarded joke e-mails. But a co-worker passed along one containing a number of Calvin and Hobbes strips depicting the "creative" snowmen Calvin would build in his front yard.
So I figured I'd periodically share some of them with you this winter—unless I find out all of you have received these in your e-mail too...or until Universal Press Syndicate shuts me down...
So I figured I'd periodically share some of them with you this winter—unless I find out all of you have received these in your e-mail too...or until Universal Press Syndicate shuts me down...

Monday, December 19, 2005
Kim Bauer, children's TV host

Nolan picked up a DVD containing four episodes of the TV show “Popular Mechanics for Kids.” The shows spotlighted the inner workings and behind the scenes action of roller coasters, the circus and other such things. He liked it a lot. We plan to get more of these DVDs on future library trips.
The shows are about six or seven years old. They’re Canadian-produced and apparently still air on Discovery Kids in Canada.
It was hosted by two kids—a boy and a girl—who couldn’t have been more than 16 years old. The girl, who introduced herself as “Alicia,” looked very familiar, but I couldn’t quite place her. That is until I saw the closing credits and realized her name wasn’t Alicia, but rather Elisha—as in Elisha Cuthbert of “24” and such movies as “The Girl Next Door.”
It was pretty bizarre seeing a much younger Kim Bauer hosting a kids’ show. And to answer your question, no, there were no mountain lions lurking about and she made it through all four episodes without getting kidnapped (if you're not a “24” fan, then forget it—this is lost on you).
Peter, you're home...again
Argh!!! I can never escape the holiday season without seeing that annoying Folger's Coffee commercial where the college kid comes home and wakes his parents with the delicious aroma of fresh-brewed Folger's Coffee. I just saw it now on MSNBC.
I know I ranted about it last year. Now it's back.
How old is this commercial? It has to be at least 20 years old.
Am I the only one who can't stand this ad? Even when I was a kid I found it overly sappy. I did a quick Google search on the ad to see if I could find a picture from it to use with this post, but instead all I found were people reminiscing about their fond memories of Peter and the Folger's Christmas commercial.
I guess I'm just a Scrooge.
I know I ranted about it last year. Now it's back.
How old is this commercial? It has to be at least 20 years old.
Am I the only one who can't stand this ad? Even when I was a kid I found it overly sappy. I did a quick Google search on the ad to see if I could find a picture from it to use with this post, but instead all I found were people reminiscing about their fond memories of Peter and the Folger's Christmas commercial.
I guess I'm just a Scrooge.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Date night

Nolan was excited to get dressed up for his night at the theater. We joked that he would get to be mommy’s “date” for the evening.
Meanwhile, Thomas and I had a quiet evening in. After watching “A Charlie Brown Christmas” it was off to tubby time, then we read a good book and now he’s tucked away in bed.
There is really nothing good on TV tonight. I was hoping for some good, old holiday movie or special on somewhere, but no such luck. So I’m listening to Christmas music on Radio VH1 and am about to curl up on the couch with my current book, “The Tender Bar.”
Friday, December 16, 2005
Weekly wrap-up
It’s been a busy week.
On Tuesday I wasn’t feeling good, but I decided to go to work anyway. That wound up being a mistake and I came home sick half way through the day. I wound up spending the rest of the day in bed.
I felt progressively better each day after that until today, which is the first that I feel 100 percent.
I haven’t written much because when I wasn’t being sick it’s been busy at work.
In other news, I had the day off from work today. That allowed me to go volunteer in Nolan’s classroom. Kris has done this a few times, but it was the first time for me—and it was a lot fun. I was there for the last hour of the day and was one of several parents (the only dad) to help the kids with various arts and crafts projects. After we were all done, Nolan went home with me instead of on the bus.
Now he’s over playing at his friend Danny’s house. Kris is there with him, visiting with her friend Marlene, Danny’s mom.
I had a little bit of time to myself to decorate the blog for Christmas while Thomas was sleeping (or at least he was supposed to be—I could hear him moving around a lot up there). Now he’s having a snack and watching “The Santa Clause.” After I’m done writing here, I think I’ll flop on the couch and join him.
On Tuesday I wasn’t feeling good, but I decided to go to work anyway. That wound up being a mistake and I came home sick half way through the day. I wound up spending the rest of the day in bed.
I felt progressively better each day after that until today, which is the first that I feel 100 percent.
I haven’t written much because when I wasn’t being sick it’s been busy at work.
In other news, I had the day off from work today. That allowed me to go volunteer in Nolan’s classroom. Kris has done this a few times, but it was the first time for me—and it was a lot fun. I was there for the last hour of the day and was one of several parents (the only dad) to help the kids with various arts and crafts projects. After we were all done, Nolan went home with me instead of on the bus.
Now he’s over playing at his friend Danny’s house. Kris is there with him, visiting with her friend Marlene, Danny’s mom.
I had a little bit of time to myself to decorate the blog for Christmas while Thomas was sleeping (or at least he was supposed to be—I could hear him moving around a lot up there). Now he’s having a snack and watching “The Santa Clause.” After I’m done writing here, I think I’ll flop on the couch and join him.
Monday, December 12, 2005
The gang's all here

Here's another photo of the kids that came out a little brighter than Shannon's (I guess she had flash issues with her camera).
It was great seeing everyone on Sunday. It's always fun to get the kids together.
The mind of a 5-year-old
I was in the car with the boys the other day when Nolan spotted the 1st National Bank near our house, which has a large sign out front with big “1st” logo on it.
“Dad, that’s the ‘one’ bank,” he said.
“That’s the 1st National Bank, Nolan” I told him.
“The first bank?!?” he said with wonder.
“No, Nolan, that’s just the name,” I corrected.
“Is there a 2nd National Bank?” he asked.
I smiled. “That’s a good question,” I said. “I don’t know.”
He thought about it. “There is,” he declared. “There’s a bank for every number.”
“Dad, that’s the ‘one’ bank,” he said.
“That’s the 1st National Bank, Nolan” I told him.
“The first bank?!?” he said with wonder.
“No, Nolan, that’s just the name,” I corrected.
“Is there a 2nd National Bank?” he asked.
I smiled. “That’s a good question,” I said. “I don’t know.”
He thought about it. “There is,” he declared. “There’s a bank for every number.”
Hectic holidays
Christmas may still be about two weeks away, but we spent this past weekend making plenty of merry.
I had the day off from work on Friday. That worked out well, because Nolan wound up having the day off from school. We were supposed to get four to eight inches of snow Friday. By 7 a.m. there were two or three inches on the ground, so school was cancelled. However, we never got more than three inches in the end. They could have easily gotten by with just a delay—closing down for the whole day was a bit of an overreaction.
But, like I said, it worked out—not only because I had the day off, but also because Kris’ sister Kim and her husband John made the drive from Syracuse to spend the day with us and deliver some Christmas gifts for the kids. We had a very nice visit with them.
Saturday was spent helping my mom put up her Christmas tree and some other decorations around her house.
Then later that night we got all dressed up and it was off to the company holiday party. It’s an annual tradition: we show up for our free meal and drinks, verify that we’re not winning a prize, dance to a couple slow songs and then hit the road. The prizes we did not win include: a trip to Las Vegas, a night at the Desmond, a $100 gift certificate to Crossgates, a gift basket valued at $100, a gift basket valued at $75 and various promotional crap related some of shows we carry. This was our 11th Christmas Party and I still haven’t won anything—but I’m not bitter.
Sunday was a busy day with not one, not two, but three Christmas parties in one day. After church Kris took Nolan to a party for all of the kids taking religion classes at our church while I took Thomas to Tumbling Tykes for a Christmas party for kids adopted from Korea and China. Then later in the afternoon we went to the home of my friend Scott and his family for a gathering of some of my high school friends and our families. Everyone always enjoys seeing “the next generation” get together.
>>Pictured here are Emma Price, Alyssa Lortie, Oliver & Cameron Brownsey, Nolan & Thomas Rooney, Evan Price and Maggie Gray. Unable to attend was Mara Colosimo. Present but not pictured are Bret Lortie and soon-to-be-born “Baby Hull.” Thanks to Shannon for the picture.>>
By the time our kids went to bed Sunday night, the weekend had caught up to me and I was ready to crash myself. But instead I sucked into “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” on TNT and wound up staying up until midnight (although I fell asleep near the end, somewhere in the middle of the Battle of Helm’s Deep).
I had the day off from work on Friday. That worked out well, because Nolan wound up having the day off from school. We were supposed to get four to eight inches of snow Friday. By 7 a.m. there were two or three inches on the ground, so school was cancelled. However, we never got more than three inches in the end. They could have easily gotten by with just a delay—closing down for the whole day was a bit of an overreaction.
But, like I said, it worked out—not only because I had the day off, but also because Kris’ sister Kim and her husband John made the drive from Syracuse to spend the day with us and deliver some Christmas gifts for the kids. We had a very nice visit with them.
Saturday was spent helping my mom put up her Christmas tree and some other decorations around her house.
Then later that night we got all dressed up and it was off to the company holiday party. It’s an annual tradition: we show up for our free meal and drinks, verify that we’re not winning a prize, dance to a couple slow songs and then hit the road. The prizes we did not win include: a trip to Las Vegas, a night at the Desmond, a $100 gift certificate to Crossgates, a gift basket valued at $100, a gift basket valued at $75 and various promotional crap related some of shows we carry. This was our 11th Christmas Party and I still haven’t won anything—but I’m not bitter.
Sunday was a busy day with not one, not two, but three Christmas parties in one day. After church Kris took Nolan to a party for all of the kids taking religion classes at our church while I took Thomas to Tumbling Tykes for a Christmas party for kids adopted from Korea and China. Then later in the afternoon we went to the home of my friend Scott and his family for a gathering of some of my high school friends and our families. Everyone always enjoys seeing “the next generation” get together.

By the time our kids went to bed Sunday night, the weekend had caught up to me and I was ready to crash myself. But instead I sucked into “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” on TNT and wound up staying up until midnight (although I fell asleep near the end, somewhere in the middle of the Battle of Helm’s Deep).
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Lennon remembered
No disrespect to John Lennon, but it's 2:55 p.m. and I'm already sick of hearing "Imagine" today.
Yes, he was a great musician. Yes, his death was tragic. I remember the day 25 years ago.
And yes, "Imagine" is a great song. But c'mon, he was resposible for plenty of other great music too. Can we hear some of that today too?
Yes, he was a great musician. Yes, his death was tragic. I remember the day 25 years ago.
And yes, "Imagine" is a great song. But c'mon, he was resposible for plenty of other great music too. Can we hear some of that today too?
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Airman's best friend
An airman, a dog and an act of Congress
NBC's Chip Reid had a great story last night about Air Force Tech Sergeant Jamie Dana and her bomb sniffing dog, Rex.
They were injured when a bomb exploded under their Humvee in Iraq.
Dana was badly injured. The doctors thought she would die, but she survived and is recovering stateside.
Initially she was told Rex was killed. But it turns out he survived. Rex was found and has been brought to back to the U.S. to be by Dana's side as she recuperates.
Dana will soon be out of the military and she wants to adopt Rex. The top brass at the Air Force have given their blessing. However, believe it or not, it takes an act of Congress for a "military mutt" to retire early. If Congress doesn't act, Dana and Rex will eventually be separated.
Currently, Rex's retirement is attached to the Defense Appropriations Bill. A spokesman for Rep. John Peterson, R-Pa., who represents Dana's district, says "it's not a matter of whether the act passes, it's a matter of when."
You can read the story and watch the video here and read more about the story from Chip Reid on The Daily Nightly.
NBC's Chip Reid had a great story last night about Air Force Tech Sergeant Jamie Dana and her bomb sniffing dog, Rex.
They were injured when a bomb exploded under their Humvee in Iraq.
Dana was badly injured. The doctors thought she would die, but she survived and is recovering stateside.
Initially she was told Rex was killed. But it turns out he survived. Rex was found and has been brought to back to the U.S. to be by Dana's side as she recuperates.
Dana will soon be out of the military and she wants to adopt Rex. The top brass at the Air Force have given their blessing. However, believe it or not, it takes an act of Congress for a "military mutt" to retire early. If Congress doesn't act, Dana and Rex will eventually be separated.
Currently, Rex's retirement is attached to the Defense Appropriations Bill. A spokesman for Rep. John Peterson, R-Pa., who represents Dana's district, says "it's not a matter of whether the act passes, it's a matter of when."
You can read the story and watch the video here and read more about the story from Chip Reid on The Daily Nightly.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Mutant mania

For those not familiar with the comic book, Beast—despite his ferocious appearance—is actually Dr. Hank McCoy, a brilliant scientist with an over-the-top egghead vocabulary, not to mention super strength and amazing agility.
Grammer has the absolute perfect voice for the part, and now I have to say that I’m pretty pleased with the look as well.

The movie, which doesn’t come out until May, is already getting a lot of bad buzz on the Internet thanks to many changes to the behind the scenes crew—namely new director Brett Ratner. But I’m still holding out hope that it will be good.
UPDATE: The first trailer for "X-Men 3" was posted on Apple's Quicktime site at 8 p.m.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
It's beginning to look a lot like...

We started last weekend when we put up “Snowflake” in the front yard. He’s one of those giant, inflatable snowmen—making ours the cheesiest house on the street.
But the kids love him. And the truth is Kris and I think he’s pretty cool too.
This is actually our second year with Snowflake (Nolan named him) in our front yard. He and I actually went out to buy him on Thanksgiving Day last year. I couldn’t believe I was in a Wal-Mart on Thanksgiving. I think I actually apologized to the clerk for being there and therefore requiring him to be working.

I’m not sure the tree deserves the coveted “Best Christmas Tree We’ve Ever Had” status, but it is a good tree and Kris really likes it because it has that look like we went out into the woods to find a random tree and cut it down (which sort of is what we did).
We always look forward to cutting down our tree despite the fact it is usually a source of stress. Although this year wasn’t as bad as past years. Instead of grunting my annual vow, “Next year we’re getting a fake tree!” I merely grunted, “Next year we’re getting a pre-cut tree!”
Now that it’s December and the tree is up and some snow is on the ground, I’m finally in the Christmas spirit. More and more each year it seems like the holiday season begins right after Halloween and Thanksgiving is just a footnote. I was very “bah humbug” up until this past week.
Speaking of which, I’m staying up late watching a holiday classic on AMC—the 1951 version of “A Christmas Carol” starring Alistair Sim. I’m a sucker for faithful adaptations of the Dickens tale, and this is one of the best. Another one of my favorites is my double CD of Patrick Stewart reading the book and providing voices for all of the characters.
Merry Christmas to all! God bless us, everyone!
Happiness is a warm puppy

They’ve welcomed a new addition to their family—a black Labrador puppy named Mose (as in “mosey”), which was the name of a character in a John Wayne movie.
Sadly, their last dog, a loveable chocolate Lab named Fred, died earlier this year.
Mose is still just a few months old and is growing into that stage when he’s all legs and boundless puppy energy.
I was anxious to see how Chester would deal with Mose. Chester loves seeing other dogs, but sometimes there are limits to his patience when dealing with energetic puppies. However, I’m pleased to report that Chester and Mose got along quite well.
He really is very adorable!
The cutting room floor
For as much as I post on this blog, there is so much that I don’t.
I really enjoy keeping the blog and sharing with all of you what’s new with my family and my thoughts on things. Often times as I’m experiencing or witnessing something, I immediately start composing a blog entry about it in my head.
But most of those entries never make it out of my head (or “off the top of my head” as the case may be) for a variety of reasons. Usually it’s because I’m just too busy. Sometimes it’s the opposite—I’m just too lazy. And other times it might be something that would be great to write about, but maybe better off kept to myself.
So I will continue to deliver what I can to my loyal readers. Besides, I’m sure if I did unload everything that’s swimming around in my brain you would be bored to tears anyway!
I really enjoy keeping the blog and sharing with all of you what’s new with my family and my thoughts on things. Often times as I’m experiencing or witnessing something, I immediately start composing a blog entry about it in my head.
But most of those entries never make it out of my head (or “off the top of my head” as the case may be) for a variety of reasons. Usually it’s because I’m just too busy. Sometimes it’s the opposite—I’m just too lazy. And other times it might be something that would be great to write about, but maybe better off kept to myself.
So I will continue to deliver what I can to my loyal readers. Besides, I’m sure if I did unload everything that’s swimming around in my brain you would be bored to tears anyway!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Lady, that's one ugly baby
Another story I spotted today:
Baby, what a misunderstanding.
A Houston woman who called for help overnight in getting her "baby" out of a sewer is facing a possible six months in jail. Turns out her two-year-old "baby" is actually a cat, named "Baby."
The cat was rescued, and the owner given a ticket for filing a false report.
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Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
I got it! I got it!
Red Sox file suit to keep World Series ball
It's one of the basic rules of baseball -- make sure to call the ball.
In the final game of the 2004 World Series, Red Sox pitcher Keith Foulke flipped the ball to first baseman Doug Mientkiewicz for the final out, snapping the Sox 86-year championship drought.
After the game Mientkiewicz put the ball in a safe deposit box.
Not so fast, said the Red Sox. They said they own the ball and they wanted it back.
In January, days after Mientkiewicz was traded to the New York Mets, he agreed to lend the ball to the Red Sox for one year and it was delivered to Fenway Park in a Brinks armored truck. The ball then joined the World Series trophy on a tour of Massachusetts cities and towns.
Now that the year is almost up, the Sox are suing keep the ball.
I don't know why, but this whole story strikes me as funny. Of course, what would be really funny is if the judge decides the ball should go to Steve Bartman.
It's one of the basic rules of baseball -- make sure to call the ball.
In the final game of the 2004 World Series, Red Sox pitcher Keith Foulke flipped the ball to first baseman Doug Mientkiewicz for the final out, snapping the Sox 86-year championship drought.
After the game Mientkiewicz put the ball in a safe deposit box.
Not so fast, said the Red Sox. They said they own the ball and they wanted it back.
In January, days after Mientkiewicz was traded to the New York Mets, he agreed to lend the ball to the Red Sox for one year and it was delivered to Fenway Park in a Brinks armored truck. The ball then joined the World Series trophy on a tour of Massachusetts cities and towns.
Now that the year is almost up, the Sox are suing keep the ball.
I don't know why, but this whole story strikes me as funny. Of course, what would be really funny is if the judge decides the ball should go to Steve Bartman.
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