Thursday, December 02, 2004

Giambi on the juice

Admissions before BALCO grand jury detailed
The big sports story of the day is the revalation Yankees first baseman Jason Giambi admitted to a grand jury he used steroids.

I don't think anyone is really shocked by this. They've just had their suspicions confirmed.

As for me, I'm disappointed. I always want to give people the benefit of the doubt. While Giambi, before the 2004 season, looked like the poster boy for steroid use, I always hoped that wasn't the case.

When Giambi appeared noticeably smaller during spring training 2004, everyone again assumed it was because he was now off steroids. I hope that means he's learned his lesson. If he hadn't learned by then, the recent death of Kem Caminiti should serve as a wake up call.

I also heard a doctor on TV today say he didn't think Giambi's recent health problems were steroid-related. I hope that's the case and I hope he hasn't screwed himself up.

Baseball and the Players Association really need to address this issue, or they're going to suffer real integrity problems. I know they've taken some steps, but they're baby steps. Hopefully the Giambi news will serve to get the ball rolling toward some significant change.

But I doubt it. In a week or two there will a be a promo featuring a football player and a towel-clad actress, or a brawl at a basketball game, or a nipple-baring singer at a half-time show to provide the next great sports scandal...and life will move on.


Anonymous said...

And now Barry Bonds has been implicated....but he took the cowardly way out with the "I didn't know they were steriods" whine. Oh puuuuuhleaase!

Jason Giambi is a far more admirable man for owning up to all of it despite the impending consequences.

Barry is not only a cheater but a liar on top of it.

It's time for a zero tolerance policy in major league baseball or players are going to lose all credibility and the sport will hit a major decline. JMHO.


Roon said...

Although technically, Giambi didn't own up to it publicly. Out in the open he's always denied using steroids. He only admitted it to the grand jury because he was assured the testimony would be kept secret and never released to the public.

That worked about as well as Paris Hilton's sex tape.

Anonymous said...

Lets face it...Baseball has known for years that athletes have been taking Steroids, but have not done a thing about it. You see, the long ball brings in fans and more fans means more money. Of course when the truth comes out in public, Old Bud says we have to do something about and the Yankees try to void Giambi's contract. Common, compare baseball players now to the Mickeys of the 60's. There is no comparison. Yes athletes now are in better shape and workout with the weights more, but if you are in baseballs inner circle and have been in the game for 30 or 40 years like a person like Joe Torre, you know the real reason why these guys look like Poppie. They knew, but as long as it wasn't public, they didn't care as long as they were making money.

Do I feel sorry for Giambi, Do I feel sorry for Bonds? Absolutely not. I've known since highschool that steroids are bad for your body. These guys should have known better...but they took the risk and now they get to pay the price. I feel the same way about smokers who get lung cancer...The bottom line, they knew going in it was a dangerous habit and they chose to try it anyway.

So what do we do now. Well 75% of the players Union are for a ban on Steroids...So do the next logical thing. Ban them, Ban them, Ban them. And if the head of the players union plays his usual games by trying to get something in return, then the players should fire him. Fay Vincent actually said this morning that MLB should hire scientist to see if the juice is really bad for the body. Common...Ban the juice and let the Scientist do there work to eliminate diseases like cancer.


Roon said...

Amen, Aaron!

Roon said...

Baseball is like sausage. Everyone loves sausage, but no one wants to now how it's made.

Everyone loves the long ball, but no one wants to know how it's made either.

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