Friday, December 03, 2004

Et tu, Barry?

Bonds testified that substances didn't work
The other shoe has dropped. The word is, Barry Bonds used steroids to, but didn't realize they were steroids when he was using them.

Isn't that a little like Bill Clinton smoking pot, but not inhaling?

How many fans will still root for Bonds to break Hank Aaron's record now?


Anonymous said...

The only reason on earth I would root for Bonds is this:

Hubby pulled an autographed Barry Bonds card out of a pack of cards he bought a few years ago...and the card's value was on the rise for quite a while. Nothing earth shattering but a decent amount of value for one little baseball card.

Someday I hope we can put Rachel through college with these baseball cards (if Hubby would ever part with them). And that's the only reason I would ever root for Bonds...because his baseball card might cover the cost of one of Rachel's college textbooks someday.


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