Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Cell phones gone to the dogs

Phone firm doggedly seeks new customers
A company called PetsCell is now making cell phones for dogs. I kid you not. It's a small unit that attaches to the dog's collar.

Basically, if you've been away from your pooch all day long and you just tell him he's a good boy and he should stay off the couch, you just call the number attached to phone on the collar. The phone will automatically answer and your voice will be heard over a speaker.

There will also be a button that can be pressed to automatically dial your phone in the event someone finds your lost dog (or at least the collar).

The company is also looking into incorporating a small fiber optic camera for search and rescue dogs.

In other cell phone news, a German company is developing a phone that will alert the user if they have bad breath. I'd love to see what happens if you put one of those phones on the dog's collar!


Anonymous said...

I was reading the paper the other day and came across a picture of a dog in this funky contraption-while getting a MASSAGE. Yep. Apparently there is a place opening in the area that specializes in massage for dogs. So now they can relax while getting a massage, knowing their owners love them because they just got a phone call from them on their cell phone.

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