Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Greatest Rivalry

I made an observation while we were in Florida last week: New York and Boston are the center of the baseball universe.

Just about every baseball cap we saw was either a Yankees or Red Sox hat. And the number was 50-50.

The few that weren't Yanks or Sox hats were usually Mets hats. I think I saw one Cardinasl hat and one Oakland hat.

We also stopped into a sports clothing store that had gear from nearly every team, but the majority of the merchandise was Yankees and Red Sox.


Anonymous said...

You know, even I had to groan when a DHL commercial came on during the ESPN Sox-Tigers game last night...Johnny Damon was in it. Can we say "over-exposure"?

Even here in NY though, I cannot believe how many more Sox hats, bumper stickers, etc I am seeing.

Honestly, I am happy for Baltimore. Time for the rest of baseball to have some spotlight. The Rivalry has completely tired me out.

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