Monday, July 25, 2005

Diving Into 'Potter 6'

Disregard my earlier whining about not being able to read the new "Harry Potter" book right away. I'm now three chapters into the book, only a week after its release.

I was going to look for it while we were on vacation. We passed a bookstore in Lake Placid and I was about to stop in when I was stopped by the sign on the door that said "We do not have the sixth Harry Potter book."

But after returning home, Kris found the book in the grocery store. There were only about six copies left when I grabbed ours on Sunday.

I hope to still finish the Adirondack book I started while on vacation. Maybe I can work on that while Kris is taking her turns with the "The Half-Blood Prince." In the past, I usually wait until she goes to bed and is done reading before I get my turn.

Anyway, I love the Potter books. So it should be fun.


Anonymous said...

Email me when you're done! I'm dying to talk Potter with someone!!

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