Friday, July 30, 2004

Herbie returns!

Keaton Steers Herbie
Michael Keaton is going to step into Dean Jones' shoes for a Herbie the Love Bug movie, called "Herbie: Fully Loaded." Disney-favorite Lindsay Lohan will co-star.

The very first movie I ever saw in the theater was "Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo" in 1977. I must have been five years old. My brother Tim took me to see it at the old Mohawk Mall theaters (the old, old theaters before they remodeled in 1985).

I remember when "Herbie Goes Bananas" came out a few years later, I really wanted to see it, but never got to. However, I seem to remember cutting out and putting together a cardboard model of Herbie cut out from a Cheerios box.

It's funny. I only saw "Monte Carlo" the one time. While I will never forget that was my fist movie, I can't remember a single thing about the movie itself! I've seen the original "Herbie the Love Bug" a few times on TV and I remember more from that.

Either way, Herbie is still special to me -- so I hope this new movie doesn't stink!

(And how about that Michael Keaton -- getting to go from driving the Batmobile to driving Herbie?!?)


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