Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The digital frontier

Last night I got my first glimpse of the “new and improved” version of the original “Star Trek.”

As you may have heard, the classic “Trek” series is going back into broadcast syndication this year with updated modern CG effects.

You can get an idea what the shows will look like at STAR TREK: Enhanced. The site is from one of the guys behind the new effects. It features some clips, including a side-by-side comparison of his “proof of concept” video playing next to the original footage. It shows the first few minutes of the episode “The Doomsday Machine.”

I’m not sure what to make of it. Yeah, it looks good—certainly better than it used to. The changes are not as drastic as the changes George Lucas made to the “Star Wars” movies.

But was it necessary? I don’t think so. With all good sci-fi, the story matters more than the effects. And in 2006, the cheesy effects are part of the original show’s charm.


Unknown said...

It kind goes with the Theory that there's not a whole lot of original concepts out in Hollywood... just rehash old ideas, maybe a new name, a new face and sell, sell, sell...

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