Friday, October 22, 2004

Great news!

Patrick just IMed me.  His doctors are going to let him go home tonight!

Today is his 16th birthday.

Apparently, his counts really jumped in the last two days.

Coincidentally (or not) I e-mailed my mother’s cousin -- Father Bill, who lives in Brazil -- two days ago to let him know what was going on.  As Patrick and I were IMing, Fr. Bill e-mailed me to let me know he was thinking of Patrick on his birthday, and that they prayed for Patrick at his prayer session this morning and at Mass yesterday.

Just try to tell me prayers don’t help!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Patrick is doing ok. I truly believe that prayers do help. I've never been one of those religious types, but having the prayers of so many on the day that my father-in-law (who wasn't my father in law yet) had his brain tumor removed over 3 and a half years ago...yeah, I believe. And just like I told you before, there are lots of us out there who are praying for Patrick. When people say, "My prayers are with you", it just sounds like the nice thing to say...but when I say that to someone, I mean it-because I truly believe it can help in its own way.
Hope Patrick has a great birthday!

Anonymous said...

That is fantastic news!!! I have to admit that I did lose faith in the power of prayer when we lost Mike. I harbored alot of anger for quite a while.

But in Patrick's sake, it seems to be working. I do think about him and as a mom, my heart really aches for Mary Ellen. I hope she is holding up ok.

I will continue to pray. I have more faith this time. :)


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