The thing that gets me about the whole incident is the role technology played in it. If it wasn’t for a cell phone capable of shooting video and the Internet the whole story would have been just a blip on the radar. Most of us probably never would have heard about it.
So is that a good thing? Or are we blowing this way out of proportion?
Does Michael Richards deserve to be vilified and have his career ruined (not that the parts were rolling in right now)?
I think a very well written comment on a recent post at BuzzMachine puts it well:
As a Black man I’m all in favor of people of all colors using the n word all they want, but I’m also in favor of people beating the piss out of non-blacks who use the word poorly, as in the case of Kramer.
To me the n word is like lsd, semi-automatic weapons, and unprotected sex. In the wrong hands and in the wrong situations it could be a bad trip. But when used properly it can be a positive, life changing tool.
All seriousness aside, one of the first things I thought of was how much it seemed like something out of a “Seinfeld” episode—like the one where Kramer accidentally burns a Puerto Rican flag.
I guess I wasn’t the only one who thought that. If you were a fan of “Seinfeld,” then you’ll enjoy National Lampoon’s “lost episode.”
WARNING: it might not be entirely work-friendly.