"(GASP!) Really?!? We're gonna go broke!"
History Has Its Eyes On You, Part Deux
1 year ago
"(GASP!) Really?!? We're gonna go broke!"
"I read somewhere that you said in addition to testing yourself against the best, winning a gold medal and competing in the Olympics would help you get so many babes, which is pretty much what Baron Pierre de Coubertin had in mind when he founded the Olympic Games."
- BOB COSTAS to U.S. Snowboarding gold medalist Shaun White.
The buzz seems to be that those are Egyptian hieroglyphics meaning "cause to die" or something to that effect.
And how about that soldier-dad from Sayid's flashback? The picture of his daughter looked an awful lot like Kate. Was that her father (who we've seen as an Army recruiter)?
Then there's this site, which, according to the terms and conditions is owned by Disney and therefore we can assume is officially connected to the show. Click on one of the "interface" links and see what you get. Play around a little and you may just learn the meaning of the fabled "Lost" numbers.
The plot thickens...
From Barry Manilow to Barry White, Marvin Gaye to Melissa Manchester, "Desperado" to "Afternoon Delight," from "Taking It To The Streets," to "One Toke over the Line," and from "Carwash" to "Convoy."
Paired again with John Madden in the NBC booth, Michaels was in effect traded to NBC, and in return for letting him out of the final 8 years on his current ABC contract, NBC came up with a shopping cart of stuff to give ABC. In that shopping cart are the rights for ABC to rebroadcast the Friday coverage of NBC's Ryder Cup coverage for four consecutive championship matchups, broadcast highlights from the upcoming Olympic Winter Games thru the 2012 Summer games, air highlights from a variety of other NBC Sports events including the Kentucky Derby and Notre Dame football games, and finally Disney will get back Oswald, a 1927 cartoon series of 26 episodes created by Walt Disney, to which Universal had the distribution and licensing rights.
Judge apologizes for Super Bowl cheer
The judge who led her courtroom in a Super Bowl cheer before a manslaughter sentencing hearing has apologized.
Judge Beverly Grant had said she was trying to ease tensions Friday when she asked everyone in a Tacoma, Washington courtroom to say "Go Seahawks."
But Grant has drawn heavy criticism, and now says she never meant to hurt anyone's feelings. She's apologized to the victim's family, prosecutors and others in the court.
The case involved a man who was shot in a fight outside a tavern, and Super Bowl Sunday marked the one-year anniversary of his death. The defendant was re-sentenced Friday to more than 13 years in prison.
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Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
It was an experiment in time. The only variable they forgot was love.
Assignment from your English teacher:
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, (even if we don't speak often or don't really know each other) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me. It can be anything you want - good or bad - BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE. When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON'T ACTUALLY remember about you!