Friday, January 07, 2005

Lucasfilm leaks
Several promotional images from "Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith" have leaked out. You can check out the 25 pictures (no major spoilers) at the link above. That is, at least until Lucasfilm slaps them with a cease and desist order.

You know, my theory is that there are no Lucasfilm "leaks." I think the majority of so-called leaks were put out there by Lucasfilm itself, which then pretends to be upset and thus generate more interest.

Remember the way early review of "Episode II" on AICN three years ago? Lucasfilm supposedly sued the leaker or had charges filed or something, but I wonder...

That's my wacky conspiracy theory of the day.

3:30 PM UPDATE: The images are gone. Oh well, they were nice while they lasted.


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