Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A little perspective

I spotted this diagram over the weekend and thought it provided some much-needed perspective...

Here's a snippet of the writeup that went along with it...
It's easy as pie to generalize to millions of people the crimes of a few. We Catholics have had it done to us. And we can have it done to us again. So we should be bloody cautious about insane schemes to do it to 18 million fellow citizens.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Signs of the season

I know that fall starts in a couple of days, but I was taken by surprise when I spotted this tree on my way to work today.

The leaves are just about the brightest orange I've ever seen -- and there were already several of them on the ground beneath the tree.

I'm always kind of bummed to see summer slip away.  But I must admit, this tree is a beautiful sight.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Android vs. iPhone

I love my HTC Droid Eris (except for a few nitpicks -- that password protected lock screen is annoying).  But every now and then I've gone searching for an app, but can't find one that does quite what I'm looking for.

With that in mind, I stumbled on these cartoons that compare Android and iPhone. Thought I'd share...