Saturday, August 21, 2004

Anatomy of a rainy day

For such a damp and dreary day, it was kind of nice.

It poured and poured today -- well, the first half of teh day at least. The temperature never got of the 60s. It was the kind of day that makes you want to stay inside and reminds you that summer is almost over and fall is around the corner.

We spent the morning at the Y with Scott and Carmella Price and their kids, Evan amd Emma (who are just about the same age as Nolan and Thomas). Sort of ironic that on a wet day when most people want to stay dry, we went swimming -- but it was fun. After we went to McDonald's for lunch, which is of course always fun for kids of all ages.

When we got home, the kids took nice, long naps and we watched the worst movie on TV. It was a schlocky horror movie called "Beyond Evil," which fits into the so-bad-it's-good category.

The kids woke up, we had a steak dinner ( meat...) played for a little while, and now Thomas is in bed and Nolan is watching "Queer Eye" with his mom before he calls it a night.

I was going to write that we had a nice, lazy day -- but actually -- I guess we did a lot. Either way, this was my kind of Saturday.


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