Friday, February 04, 2005

Happy dating anniversay

It was 14 years ago today that Kris and I became a couple.

I was a freshman in college and she was a sophomore. We had been friends since we first met at the start of the school year. But on this day in 1991 I quite nervously sat her down and told her I like liked her.

And not a moment too soon, since she was getting tired of waiting for me to get off my butt and make a move (dealing with the opposite sex was never one of my strong points during my teenage years).

It turned out to the be best move I ever made. The rest, as they say, is history.


  1. Congratulations on 14 successfull years together1


  2. Chris,

    Congrats on 14 years! Yusuf (my husband) and I met my first week as a freshman at Northwestern--he was a junior and we were in the same dorm. There's a lot to be said for serendipity like that :-) Your blog's been great fun to read...

    Meryl (Nisky 1987-1989)
